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Introducing MicroSurfer Tours Packs: A New Concept In Online Access

The World Wide Web is filled with great websites, if you know where to look.

We've reviewed thousands of websites to save you hundreds of hours searching, picked the best in each category and packaged them into MicroSurfer Tour files that allow you to jump to any link without waiting. 

Each Tour Pack contains twelve tours with links to the most precious of web resources, hundreds of links to thousands of hours of information and entertainment.  Each Tour Pack is organized so that you can get to the best links in any area and make optimal use of your time, whether you have a few minutes or a few hours. 

Using MicroSurfer Player Edition, you can visit each link without waiting, regardless of your connection speed.  Take the drudgework out of surfing and experience the pure pleasure of online discover. The gems on the web await you…

Magazine Tour Pack

Access your favorite magazines online at no charge and stay up on the topics that matter to you most. [Details] [Buy Now]

News Tour Pack

Access newspapers and news feeds from around the world and always keep current on current affairs. [Details] [Buy Now]